About Us

What is ISD MOOC?

ISD MOOC is a website that provides free online courses for the students to get some technical training. Each course has a series of short videos, and each video covers some topic or topics, together with some assignments. There is also a grading system that allows students to submit HW solutions, and TA's to communicate with the students by giving them guidance/feedback. Any visitor is welcome to use the website - it is provided free of cost to all users. However, only HKUST students who register for specific courses as a part of their program requirements will be allowed to submit HW solutions and be assessed.  

Contact us

This website was developed by Cecil Fu (zfuaj@ust.hk) and Jack Zheng (jzhengaq@ust.hk).
Please report any bugs or improvement suggestions to Mr. CM Cheung (egcmchg@ust.hk) and/or Ajay Joneja (joneja@ust.hk).